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The Second Day

So, that night was the worst night I’ve spent in my life trying to sleep. Blankets were a shame, pillow was a joke, my hospital gown made me cold as did all the cables connected to me and touching my skin… Sorry, need to vent a little. I went to sleep around 3am and by 4am an alarm started beeping so I called the nurse to turn it off. Couldn’t go back to sleep after that. At 7am a nurse brought be medicine and took vitals I think and then I dozed off for a little. That marked the first night after diagnosed with the brain tumor.

That day, starting at 9am, I received visitors starting with Nubia and Mel who brought me McDonald’s, goodies, my pillow and a Zebra Snuggie (lol… but so much more comfy than the shameful “blankets” from the hospital). Then, Kevin and MK Lemay who prayed and declared victory and God’s word over me. A sweet treat from God. Then, my sister Liz and brother-in-law Adrian. They were so awesome and drove down from Austin the minute Nubia called them with the news. It was a heartfelt and beautiful visit.

With all the visits we were able to laugh, cry, praise God, be encouraged.

After they left, they went to tell my mom and dad. I can only imagine how that went, but mom and dad also got ready ASAP and came to the hospital. Of course, my mom was emotional and we cried a little but I assured her that Jesus was with me. They both prayed over me and declared me healed in Jesus’ name.

As a side note, this whole time I’m calling on my savior, Jesus. I know He is my salvation. I know He was pierced for my transgressions and by His wounds I’m healed. (Isaiah 53:5) I’m not in fear and neither is Nubia as we know sometimes our God shows His miracles through what may seem like a tragedy. We’ve been there enough to pay attention to the God moments and here are some of them for the unfolding of this current story:

– Yesterday, when we had just found out and been admitted to the hospital, Nubia, Mel and Andrew were leaving for the night and were heartbroken that they weren’t able to stay by my side. In the parking lot, Mel noticed a familiar face and, sure enough, Nubia recognized that the person was a dear friend we’ve done ministry with in the past. We’ve known her and her husband for over 14 years. Anyway, she’s a Baptist Hospital nurse educator but at the downtown regional office. The only reason she was at the North Central Baptist that night was to decorate her old office for a friend who was having a birthday the next day. She was there at just the right moment, breath of fresh air, the hug God knew my family so needed. No one knew at this point what our family was starting to go through.